Baja III

A Gargoyle Oracle

A Gargoyle Oracle
(Qt. 2)

It respond to some keywords. Say hi to start conversation.
You can do it on sample display in Trammel Lycaeum on Baja. There is a EM made museum.

Crook of the Mystical Moo

Crook of the Mystical Moo
(Qt. 9)

It plays creepy cow moo.
It's from ghosty cow event.

Dragon Bone Earrings

Dragon Bone Earrings
(Qt. ~30-60)

Legends' EM given out the same named ones as well. Baja version is gray, Legends is white.
See Dragon Bone Earrings, Legends III.

Royal Guard Boots

See above
(Qt. 1)

Again? See Baja II.

Royal Investigator

Royal Investigator
(Qt. 3)

- winner who solved the event gets to name a dungeon (no item)

(Qt. -)

It's not an item. No image.


Paragon Chest Recovered from...

Hideous Watch Dog
Relentless Tracker
White Wyrm

Hideous Watch Dog is a named Horde Minion, and Relentless Tracker is a named Revenant Lion.
The former assaulted on RBGs in pirate base in a part of UO:SE launching scenario series.
The latter appeard with samurai Belo Ondariva also in a part of it. See an article(7th Jan. 2005) in BNN.
A note: Champ paragon chests were available in Ilsh between patch and patch.