
This[not functional atm] is the source of mdacc list.
Event Item - All Seasons Edited by mdacc#one, UO Moderator(04/06/05 01:38 PM)

My researches are based on this list.
Here is the introduction of his original post.

Hemisphere and I have decided to roll up all the event items into one thread. We will lock the thread so that people can refer to it much easier rather than waiting for the lag. If you would like to make comments about it you can start a new thread. They will be divided by seasons, although the exact start date and end date of each season is arbitrary. Items are listed in the amount of quantity reported back to me, and sales in price are reported back to me as well. If I am wrong on certain things, PM me or put a new post on it.
Thanks, Manticore.

Many Rares Collectors Forum readers should remember that there was a thread Event Rares Season I, II, and III before All Seasons.
Having many pics, Season III was very laggy.
Thus the thread was born. And weeks later, this site TUO as well.

See more detail for further information by following Introduction tree on the right menu.