
Title: On my Libram

Author: Marcel

There was a time aeons ago, when Lord British abandonned this Realm leaving the Great Lord Blackthorn in charge.

During this time, Blackthorn created Law from the famous Virtues that dealt justly with offenders against these beliefs.

How better to enforce a code?

Yet for this he was sent to exile.

He has always been my inspiration and his reasons for opposing Lord British are pertinent to the survival of our world.

Now I find, since the Terathans gave me their gift, that some things are enhanced and others less important of the code to which I did before subscribe.

The Terathans accept without hesitation the values of their own which I have given them.

Now I give them unto my followers and expect the same acceptance from them.

Ask the Seer what happened to one who opposed my rule.

I am not one to be taken lightly and the Justice dispensed by venom is swift.

Blackthorn did subscribe to Anarchy in his writings, seeking Freedom from enforcing strictures of belief.
(ブラックソーンは、著書(参考:"A Politic call to anarchy" by Lord Blackthorn)の中で、信念を強制されることからの自由を求めてAnarchy(道徳の否定)に強く賛成した。)

He claimed that this allows one to transcend humanity and reach a new level of consciousness.

This approach will not work with the young Terathans, as they need a guide and a ruler.

One cannot rule without rules and within the Libram reside the rules I have given them for their success.

Between practising Deception, hiding in the Shadows and having their Vengeance on those vile Serpents the Terathans have not found this much different to their behaviour in the past.

It is better to have given names for things they already do well.

My human followers should have no trouble with this, as they already have the instincts of the Spider and their Loyalty has already been proven time and again.

Ask the Terathans for the Lexicon to unlock the urn and the locations to find the other artifacts to start on this quest.

Think carefully Spiders, there are some deceptions among the directions.

It is a pity that the Shadow Items did not live up to expectations.

They speak only in the Shadow language, and while this does hide my purpose from the uninitiated, it makes it more difficult for my followers.

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