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2003/11/15 00:00 / Lake Austin編




Herein I record the epic battle against the demon lord Ograth, Whom the chroniclers named, "the Annihilator". I do this for posterity's sake; that those who must, and will face this demon lord yet future, will know how the brave citizens of Britannia triumphed over him; that they, too, may know the signs of his coming and how to prepare themselves to defeat him. It began with the sudden appearance of undead in the graveyard of Moonglow. Visitors there reported an earthquake and the opening a vault from which an undead being identified as an ancient and foul liche lord known as Un'glath the Unholy, emerged, The creature began despoiling graves by causing those that rested therein to rise and do his bidding, which seemed to be nothing less than to attack and kill the living. This continued for some time until the graveyard swarmed with undead. It was then that the call to arms went forth and citizens of Britannia flocked to the area to combat the creature and its minions. after much fighting and loss of life, Un'glath and his minions were destroyed. It was not long thereafter until, within the graveyard at vesper, another powerful undead creature appeared, "Godreg the Accursed" of which legends speak. The same series of events was repeated: Godreg sought to raise an undead army. Yet the all to arms again sounded and this attack was thwarted by a massive force of arms. Godreg was destroyed along with his undead host. The third attempt to create an undead army was led by Agyur the Abomminable. This attack issued from the very isolated cemetary of Cove. It is believed Agyur hoped to complete his foul work of raising an undead army by choosing a very remote area. Fortunately a passerby witnessed this and raised the alarm. The call to arms brought many of those who had fought in the earlier battles to this location. Battle was joined and, ultimately, Agyur and his minions fell to steel and spell. It seems however these undead lords did succeed in paving the way for a rift to appear from another plane that of the demon lord Ograth. His sudden arrival in the City of the dead in the lost lands would have gone unnoticed except for the augury of Clainin who was monitoring these events from afar by his magicks. He send word of the location of then rift and it was conveyed to all in the nick of time. As warriors and mages converged upon the scene, they reported a giant figure wielding a terrible weapon and hurling magic spells, summoning legions of undead and demons to his side. Although some of those who came did so to aid the creature (as they attacked and killed their own kind), many sought to put the demon lord down. Ograth, when wounded badly, sought the portal from which he came as a means to head himself. However, the rift soon closed and he was trapped and unable to heal himself. He finally fell amidst then bodies of his victims and minions with the cry, "I shall return!" echoing as he did. After that, all returned to normal throught the realm. I must beg forgiveness for begin unable to help in this. I was with the king on some very important and urgent business and did not learn of it until my return. I praise all those who aided in the defeat of this creature and his minions. Your efforts saved our realm from untold horrors, for had Ograth succeeded, all life in our beloved Sosaria would have been extinguished. Such was the evil and purpose of the demon lord, and this is the record of his failure and demise.


[更新日付:2003/11/15 00:00:00]
2003/11/13 00:00 / Lake Austin編

Lake Austin での日常


C:「狂ってるぜ!」(まぁ褒め言葉?の crazy でしょうな)


[更新日付:2003/11/13 00:00:00]
2003/11/11 00:00 / Lake Austin編


海外では最近日本でも”やっと”始まったオークイベントとは比べ物にならないほど先に進んじゃっています。思ったよりも長期化するようですねぇ。Lake Austin ではちゃんとイベントの流れがレポートにまとめられています。日本でもこういうのがあると当日参加出来なかった人が把握できていいのに。一期一会と言うけれど夜中に突然発生して30分ほどで終了して、はい終わり。分散させる為なのか、他で色付きモンスだして誤魔化したり?ってのはもう飽き飽き :-(


Hail Friends!

As you may be aware, General Keeonean, leader of Minax's army,was slain suddenly while on trial.
An investigation into the cause of his death has produced this report.
The facts of the case are as follows:

1.Keeonean was identified and captured in the hidden valley attack.
2.He was held prisoner in the Yew jail, Trammel, pending trial.
3.While standing trial and making the case for his defense, a portal of unknown kind and origin opened a few paces to his left beyond the table where he sat.
4.An apparition in the from of Minax entered the room through the portal and wordlessly slew his three paladin guards and then Keeonean who begged for his life when he knew death was imminent.
5.Keeonean's body was mutilated and destroyed entirely.
6.A message from one "aura of Minax" was heard throughout the land intimating that the killing was against one who had turned traitor, this presumably Keeonean.

Other facts, witnessed and reported:
1.During the attack on Minax at hidden valley, Keeonean was seen to suddenly act very strangely, confused or entranced.
2.Before Minax fled, Keeonean grabbed her necklace and ran.She was unable to stop him.
3.It has been reported that Keeonean then gave the necklace to an unnamed person {due to security reasons}.Several witnesses report this.This may be the cause of his murder.

The investigation has hereby concluded:

1.Forensic evidence has confirmed that Keeonean has indeed been slain and his body destroyed by person or persons unknown.
2.Minax is considered the chief suspect.

1.Although Keeonean was considered a criminal and the evidence weighed heavily against him, the trial was to have determined his fate, not the barbarous act of a deranged mind.
2.The search for the perpetrator of this murder will continue until he or she has been brought to justice.
3.Anyone who has information regarding this case is asked to report it to me at your earliest convenience.Anonymity is assured.

Signed, Martel Nevarre
Commander, Royal Guard.

[更新日付:2003/11/11 00:00:00]
2003/11/07 00:00 / Lake Austin編


Lake Austin にログイン。6周年ケーキとか花火ワンドが邪魔だったのでブリ銀でバラまくことにする。



[更新日付:2003/11/07 00:00:00]
2003/10/27 00:00 / Lake Austin編


Lake Austin でまた変化があった模様です

ん〜〜〜と・・・Lord Martelが死にそうで、Clainin が治療する(した?)らしい。よくわからんです(苦笑)

[更新日付:2003/10/27 00:00:01]