book of Compassion

This text introduces the Tome of Love, a book in seven parts which you should complete by following such clues as can be found.
This shoud appear as your first entry:
Love is a tender emotion, felt in as many ways as there are people.
Without this principle societies fail, as it is Love that brings us together as one People, whatever your creed may be.
Without Love there is no Comppasion as this Virtue depends directly on Love.
Without caring for each other, we descend into Despise, the petty bickering of those who judge others harshly without cause.

book of Justice

This text is part of the Tome of Love, a book of seven parts which you may complete by following such clues as can be found.
This dhould appear as your second entry:
Without Love there is no Justice, as there is nothing to temper the judaments made by the mind's eye.
The Heart knows right from wrong and will often see clearer than the head.
Without Love, there is only the cold Truth of facts laid bare, which will not always make a wise choise.

book of Sacrifice

This text is part of the Tome of Love, a book in seven parts which you may complate by following such clues as can be found.
The first quote should appear as your third entry and the second as your last.
First Quote:
Without Love, there is no Sacrifice, as there is no reason to give of oneself to another's cause.
Self preservation being thine only cause, alone you would be.
No one should live alone.
There are three Virtues connected to Love:
Second quote:
This tome has explorer the Virtues connected to Love and thus, how we should, especially in the month of February, give thanks and enjoy its fruits with all of out frinds in the Life.

book of Cah.

Title Cah
by Ciree
I am sacrifice. Pen my words into thy tome of love and it will be more complete.
Sacrifice is the courage to give of oneself in the name of love.
Just as the poor feed their children before they eat, noble acts in this life are rewarded Karma saves the sacrifices we make return to us threefold.
It is said: to give of thy life's blood so that others may live is a virtue of great praise Watch for the sacrifices others make for thy.
It is in noticing the small things we are great.

book of Beh.

I am Justice. Pen my words into thy tome of love and it will be more complete.
Justice tempers pur love with truth to provide life's Judgments.
It is also said: give of thy purse to those who bed and thy deed shall not be forgotten.
Justive without force is impotent: force without justice is tyranny is said: those who inflict in Justice upon others cannot expect fair treatment unto themselves
it is also said: to make the gold of others is injustice not soon forgotten.
Take only thy due take care that the judgments made by thee are in accordance with the will of thine heart.

book of Mu.

I am COmpassion. Pen my words into thy tome of love and it will be more complete.
COmpassion is the most profane of human emotions.
Pure in its intent, it shows itself as a desire to help another in pain.
Only a detested life owes itself to another's suffering.
It is said: kill not the nonevil beasts of the land, and do not attack the fair people
It is also said: give of thy purse to those who beg and thy deed shall not be forgotten.

book of Courage

Now you have defeated the Minions of Chaos, thou shalt have thine answer.
While surely of great importance overall, as all of the Virtures are, this month is February.
Perhaps another choice best fits this time? Seek again, Crusader of Courage.

book of Truth

These Guardians defend your answer.
I trust they do not trouble thee?
While surely of great importance overall, as all of the Virtures are, this month is February.
Perhaps another choice best fits this time? Seek again,
Defender of Truth.

keyword result.

[1] One alone should still feed love for oneself. if you cannot,...
[2] You have a longer journey to make before you can Love others.
[3] How can any Love one who thinks so little of themselves that they do not Love?
[4] Love truly is necessary if one wishes to be other than alone. surely not. it is diffecult to be truly alone
Music's melody so sweet, better so to play sad songs or joyful tones.
Three you should have. My name question gives three.
One i have in four parts.
The tome of Love is it? it has seven parts.
Allies, may they always tread softly purring in the shadows of thine heart. Seek Beh
There are those who sacrifice others for the sake of a few coin. Seek Cah with them

What? You cannot interpreta simple vision? this is your quest, youngling, not mine
It was love that brought you here was it not?
You come upon a wolf trapped within a cruel trap. She will bite if freed, yet you feel her pain.
You meet again a childhood friend who tells you of an exploit that harmed others.
The local magistrate never told them who told him.
A miner and his wife struggle to put food on the table, yet the chidren are never hungry.

I am compassion. Pen my words into thy Tome of Love and it Will be more comlete.
I am Justice. Pen my words into thy Tome of Love and it will be more complete.
I have five parts for thy tome. You need Not add the index numbers.